A Company of Character

CHARACTER COUNTS! names Covenant Construction/CCS Homes “Partner of the Year.”

The Robert D. and Billie Ray Center at Drake University, worldwide home of the CHARACTER COUNTS! program, seeks “to improve civility through character development and ethical leadership.” The organization recognizes one company that has exemplified those qualities each year. This year that honor went to Covenant Construction Services/CCS Homes, which is led by its president, Alan Sprinkle.

“I’ve been involved with the CHARACTER COUNTS! program since its early days,” Sprinkle says. “I joined the Board in 2005 because I was impressed with its work and its mission.”

The CHARACTER COUNTS! efforts have since become much more than a program for schoolchildren. “We started in 1997 with one fifth-grade classroom,” says Scott Raecker, Executive Director of The Ray Center, “and today we’re the global source serving more than eight million youth.”

In fact, the programs have extended beyond the school building. “We work with state legislative leaders in all 50 states to promote a culture of civility in governance, and we have a new program encouraging civility in campaigning,” says Raecker. “We’re also active in the workforce environment, partnering with employers to help them assess their own corporate culture and then provide training so they can develop a culture of character with their employees.”

Covenant Construction Services/CCS Homes is a Six Pillar Partner with the organization and has promoted a values-based culture in its workplace. Sprinkle encourages others to get involved, including coworkers and employees.

“I’ve always believed that serving others is something everyone should do,” he says. “It was expected when I was growing up, so joining the military was a natural progression. I served nearly 22 years in the Army, and giving back is something I’ve done throughout my professional life.”

Throughout his life, Sprinkle has seen the effect that good character has on others and the importance of teaching those principles early. “That’s one of the things that drew me to the CHARACTER COUNTS! mission. They were serving all kids, and their mission was to inspire the kids to practice the traits of good character because the more you demonstrate those qualities in the little things, the more they become a part of you. Those little things multiply.”

Those beliefs have influenced Sprinkle’s community involvement since leaving the military. He spent three years on the Johnston Community School District Board before joining the Board with CHARACTER COUNTS!

“Alan has been such an advocate for us for years,” Raecker says. “He lives what he believes, and those core values carry throughout his company. The company is so supportive of every event we have.”

Sprinkle’s actions have set an example for his team at CCS Homes and Covenant Construction, Raecker says. “His entire team is active in giving back in multiple ways.”

“My employees are supportive of my beliefs,” Sprinkle says, “and they each give back in various ways. They’re all active in serving with mission trips, fundraising, and supporting organizations that are important to them.”

CHARACTER COUNTS! has been presenting its Iowa Character Awards for nearly two decades as a way to recognize those who are living out the qualities the organization advocates.

“Our programs are rooted in the Six Pillars of Character—trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, citizenship—to teach all our participants about the value of enriching the lives of others,” Raecker says.

The Iowa Character Awards are an opportunity to uplift leaders as an example to others.

Sprinkle says, “I never expected our company to get an award for this. Serving is just something we’re supposed to do.”

Although Sprinkle is quick to turn the story away from himself and back to the mission he supports, he hopes others will look for their own opportunities to serve after hearing his story.

“I hope others get more involved as a result,” he says. “Character matters to me and to my team. The better each one of us does, the more successful we are—as human beings. That’s what matters.”

He says the impact that CHARACTER COUNTS! is having, across the United States and around the world through early childhood programs and adult education and businesses is evident.

“Youth engagement is still our primary focus through both the education system and supporting families. And from birth to 5 years old is the most critical time in character development,” Raecker says.

With the company’s history of service, Covenant Construction Services/CCS Homes is proof of that.

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Watch a video of the 2023 Partner of the Year, Covenant Construction Services / CCS Homes