Attract Buyers With Social Media

In this era of 24/7, second-by-second streaming information, the communication begins long before your prospective buyer walks into the sales office. Social media can be defined as a group of Internet, web-based and mobile applications that have redefined the way many people communicate. I would not suggest abandoning the traditional marketing techniques that have helped you attract home buyers, such as print advertising and broadcast, but social media initiatives could be one more avenue to reach your target audience.

There are several examples of social media avenues you could choose to fuel your business:

  • A Facebook page could be used to highlight photos or information regarding your company
  • An Instagram feed could showcase house plans or beautiful exterior photos of a show home
  • A Pinterest page can focus on interiors, decorating ideas or landscaping plans
  • A Twitter account can feed in relevant local news and housing updates
  • A blog could provide your opinions regarding the building process, etc.
  • LinkedIn is a wonderful business-to-business point of contact for your vendors

Content is the key to success with social media.

Social spaces are often not about selling, but about educating and spreading information naturally. For reaching people of all ages, social media can be an efficient way to communicate facts. Facts about your product and why it rises above the rest. Facts about our local area—we all know there is more to buying or building a home than the house itself. The restaurants, cafes, schools and shopping opportunities all play a role in the decision. Local financing options can provide information to those on the fence about whether or not to build or buy a home.

Tell your one-of-a-kind story.

Your business has competitors, but your customers have chosen you for a reason. Think about what makes your business, product, service, people or story unique and compelling. Whatever the reason for your past success, make that central to how you approach content marketing and social media.

Keep it current.

Social media reflects what’s happening now, which is a good indicator of what is relevant, timely and interesting for your audience. Your target audience is more likely to engage if your content is fresh and current. You can play off of current events to show you are keeping up with the times.

Social media could be the answer to get your marketing content in front of more buyers, with definite impact. Millennials are defined as ages 18–33, and they represent a key marketing demographic. We all know how tech savvy they can be, but more importantly, millennials are passing through important lifestyle events such as starting their first jobs, getting their first home, getting married and expanding their families. Many of these young prospects need to be educated on the home-buying process and the subsequent financing. You can see why this group will have an important impact on the real estate market now and in the future.

Debra Patterson is a Vice President and Mortgage Loan Consultant with Bankers Trust. For your mortgage questions, Debra can be reached at 515-222-2019 or NMLS#571212