Build a Low Maintenance WordPress Website

Websites are phenomenal ways to bring more attention to your business, which is why we encourage every business owner to create one. While it can be difficult to create and maintain a website, there are a few things that you can do to make the entire process much easier.

Here are 3 easy ways to build a low maintenance WordPress website:

  • Utilize the Simple Themes. You might think that you need to spend hours installing intricate themes for your website to attract attention from those using the internet. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth, because the simple themes are just as functional. You might not have as much flexibility as to where you can place things and with what you can do, but it will look fabulous and you won’t experience as many compatibility issues either. Once you install one of the simple themes, all you need to do is make sure that you update the theme when it is required, as it will ensure continued compatibility as well as security. We recommend that you get your simple theme from a reliable source, like the WordPress Theme Directory, because there are hardly any issues with those and they don’t pose security threats either.
  • Consider Plugins Prior to Installing. It can be super easy to install a dozen of plugins or more on your newly created website, but all those plugins will cause you to spend hours of time maintaining them in the future. After all, those plugins put new code on your website, and you will be responsible for making sure that every piece is working properly. Any small issues can create security issues and those can cause major headaches. We recommend using plugins that have multiple features, because there are less compatibility issues. Jetpack is our favorite, but there are a few others. It is worth mentioning again that it is very necessary to get your plugins from a reputable and reliable source or you risk security issues on your site.
  • Work with a Managed Hosting Plan. We understand that you do not want to spend hours working on your website, which is why we always recommend working with a managed hosting plan. The hosting plan will perform all your updates, cache your files, create backups, and will even run security scans. You will still be in complete control of your website, they will just take care of some of the more timely maintenance issues that you are not going to want to spend time dealing with.

If you can implement these three things, you will find that you can have a successful website that will grow your business without spending hours maintaining it. In the end, you will be happy and so will those who want to check out your website to investigate your business.

Darren Slaughter is the founder and president of, a digital agency focusing on website design, social media management, and content creation for home improvement contractors.