Free Marketing Tips You Can Use Now

Did you know there’s something you do every single day that you could be using as an opportunity to market your business, for free?

What is it?

Sending email. How many email messages do you send in a day? I recently went back and counted the messages in my Sent folder. I use several email accounts, but in just one of them, I found an average of 25-30 messages a day. That’s a lot of messages per week!

Two Chances for Free Promotion

Did you realize every time you send out an email, you have two great opportunities to market your business?

  1. With Your Email Address

    Take a look at the email address you’re using for business. Are you using an email address such as “” or “”?

    Okay, so I’m poking a bit of fun, but you’d be surprised at some of the email addresses I see. Granted some of them may be reserved for subscriptions, but I also receive a lot of email from small business owners with these types of email addresses.

    So what’s wrong with this?
    Well, for one, they are missing out on a free marketing opportunity. When you use an email address such as you have the opportunity to get repeat exposure for your company name with every email you send out.

    You Can Build Your Brand and Business
    What, everyone you send email to already knows your business name? That’s okay. It’s good reinforcement. And it doesn’t cost a dime, so why not do it? Plus, it presents a much more professional image. It says you are a real business. Even if you are sending out your emails while wearing your pajamas in your home office. 🙂

    Use Your Web Site Domain Email Addresses
    Ideally your web site domain should be the same as your business name. And your web hosting should come with at least a handful of free email addresses. It’s fairly easy to set up, but if you’re not sure, check with your host. Odds are they’ve addressed it in their FAQs or online help.

  2. Use An Email Signature
    The second way you can market for free is with your email signature.

    Even if you don’t have a web site, or if your web site address is not the same or similar to your business name, you can easily take advantage of this.

    Set It Up Once … Use It Everyday
    Microsoft Outlook (and probably other email software as well) offer a Signature option you can program so every email you send is signed off with a consistent signature.

    Create Your Own Personal Signature
    You will want to consider including some of the following information in your email signature. I wouldn’t suggest including all of this information or your signature will be too long. Pick what’s important to you, and include information that represents how you want people to contact you.

    • Your First and Last Name
    • Your Title (if appropriate)
    • Your Business Name
    • Your Tagline
    • Your Email Address
    • Your Web Site Address (include the http:// so it becomes a live link)
    • Your Phone Number
    • Your Snail Mail Address
    • An Invitation to Subscribe to Your E-newsletter or
    • Receive a Free Report (or any other free information you provide)

    By signing off all your emails with an email signature, you are constantly promoting your business. Plus, your contact information is right there if someone wants to get in touch with you. They don’t have to take the time to look up your phone number or web site address.

    Having a good email signature also clearly communicates to people what your business is all about or what you do.

    Who Knows Where Your Email Might ultimately End Up?
    You never know where one of your emails is going to end up. It may be forwarded to someone who could just become your next client ready to do business with you.

    Build Web Site Traffic With Special Promos and incentives
    You can also use your signature to build traffic for your web site by inviting people to visit your site to get a special report or to subscribe to your e-newsletter.

    Your Email Address Format
    Make sure that the email address you are using is formatted something like this:

    How To Set Up Your Email Signature
    If you use Microsoft Outlook, just go to the Tools option on your toolbar, click on Options, and then Mail Format. You’ll see Signatures down at the bottom of the window. You can set up one, or as many as you want. You select the one you want to use as your default and it will automatically be added to all your email messages.

By doing these two things, you will be building your brand and your business without spending any extra time or money.

Darren Slaughter is the founder and president of, a digital agency focusing on website design, social media management, and content creation for home improvement contractors.