Let’s Talk Websites

Today I want to talk websites. There are millions of them. For most contractors, this is both an opportunity and a challenge. You want your website to stand out from the crowd. When your website does the job you hired it to do, the competition no longer matters.

How to stand out from the crowd:

  • Easy navigation. It sounds so simple, yet many websites are a navigational disaster. When a visitor can’t find what they need quickly and easily, they leave. Your website should be designed to be a utility and enhance a visitor’s experience. Not only should they be able to quickly and easily find what they are looking for, you also want to guide them through your site.
  • Keyword research. Keyword research supports easy navigation. Your visitors and prospects find your site with keywords. That means those same keywords need to be present on your site and easy to find. They not only need to be part of the content, but they should also be part of the navigation. Research your keywords to support your customers and prospects. Include them in the navigation flow.

    Keyword research helps you provide the most valuable and beneficial content possible. When you know what your customers and prospects are looking for, you can provide it. Providing top quality content will set you apart from the majority of your competition.

  • Analytics. Analytics provide valuable inside information. They help you track where your customers go on your website. They also tell you:
    • How long people stay on a single web page
    • How long they stay on your site
    • How they found your website
    • What keywords they use to find your website
    • How many visitors return to your website

    This information is invaluable. Create a practice where you analyze your website analytics regularly. Create content and navigation systems that support your findings. And take the initiative to test and track your results. For example, if you add a new feature on your website like a survey, test and track where on your site it receives the most attention.

Standing out from the crowd isn’t difficult, but it does require a solid plan. Know your audience. Research your keywords. Create a navigation structure that supports your customers and your business goals. And pay attention to the data. Your website analytics are the key to helping you achieve website prominence and making sure you stand out from the crowd.

Darren Slaughter is the founder and president of DarrenSlaughter.com, a digital agency focusing on website design, social media management, and content creation for home improvement contractors.