Quite The Ride

BUILD Des Moines celebrates 10 years!

Ten years ago this month, the inaugural issue of BUILD Des Moines magazine was launched into cyberspace, and it’s been quite the ride ever since.

A fully digital publication was a new venture for us. And technology has continued to change since that first issue landed in virtual inboxes. But looking back on a decade of stories, we’re proud to say we’ve been learning and growing right along with it.

We’ve embraced the methods that only an online magazine can offer—videos, slide shows, and links. And we remain devoted to educating, informing, and promoting the wonderful people and companies that make up the central Iowa residential industry.

The goal back in 2014 was to create a venue that united all the different professionals that make up the residential construction industry. Having highlighted experts ranging from developers to remodelers, lighting professionals to electrical contractors, and everything in between, BUILD has become the resource we imagined it could be.

We asked you 10 years ago to join us on this journey to share story ideas, news, suggestions. You’ve done just that. Your support through feedback and advertising has made it possible for us to look back on a successful first decade—and to look forward to the next one.

Thank you for helping us BUILD Des Moines!