Why You Should Consider Facebook Advertisements

I know a lot of you think if you can build a building, how hard can a website or a Facebook ad campaign be to build?

That’s the opening sentence everyone who calls me for a website says, so, apparently, a bit harder than originally anticipated. So make sure you are setting your Facebook campaign up for success with these 6 tips for the most common uses of Facebook advertising for contractors!

Advertising online is big business, but finding the best option can be difficult. Many online advertising options are expensive. One option that is gaining traction and is worth exploring by any business serious about growing, is Facebook advertising, and getting at your perfect potential client or customer is all about targeting. Here’s how:

Large Audience

One of the best reasons to use Facebook advertising is the size of the audience. According to a popular digital marketing company, the number of active mobile users on the network on a daily basis is 1.15 billion. In March 2017, CNN Tech stated that Facebook is fast approaching two billion users per month. That is a lot of potential eyes for your business adverts.

Target Advertising

People of varied interests and needs are users of Facebook. However, the company’s awesome targeting advertising options make it possible to zero in on the best audience for your advertisements. You can target ads based on age, location, educational status, gender, and a myriad of other factors. This makes it possible to narrow down the audience for your ads to the demographic that fits the niche your business caters to.

Low Cost

If you want value for your advertising dollar, nothing else pays off like Facebook ads. You can easily spend a dollar a day on Facebook ads and receive great results. Facebook allows you to set your budget and timeline for running the advertisement.

This means regardless of your advertising budget, you can put out an FB advert. This makes Facebook advertising the ideal vehicle for small to medium size businesses. Of course, large companies can also benefit as they can get a lot more for their advertising dollar.


If you are advertising, you want to know how well your ads are hitting the target. Facebook advertising makes it easy to track how well your ad is converting. Of course, to get the best value you need to know Facebook’s bid types to know which is right for your business and or products. The four bid types currently available are:

  • Bids per click (CPC): Facebook will look for and target users that are within your target audience and who might click on your advertisement.
  • Bids per action (CPA): Aimed at visitors who you want to take a specific action, such as subscribe for an email list, join a group or like a page.
  • Cost per impression/mille (CPM): Your advertisement is targeted at a large number of users so that it has a wider reach.
  • Optimized cost per thousand impressions/ mille (oCPM): Facebook shows the advertisements to the best audience based on your preferences.


A Facebook business page is perfect for showcasing your business and it builds brand recognition. You can quickly and easily upload pictures and videos.

Ease of Use

Whether or not you are a technology buff, many people use mobile devices to connect and interact on Facebook, so the convenient iOS app is perfect for advanced users and novices. This app makes it possible to set up and manage your advertising campaign right from your mobile device, but you should do it from a desktop. With an ever-growing number of users, now is the perfect time to start using Facebook ads for your business.

Darren Slaughter is the founder and president of DarrenSlaughter.com, a digital agency focusing on website design, social media management, and content creation for home improvement contractors.