YPN* Young Professional Network OR Your Professional Network

Local REALTORS® create a new group for those young in the business or simply young at heart.

“We know that groups of young professionals have been extremely successful in Des Moines,” says Greg Steward, a Realtor for six years. “The groups offer great ways to network and connect, but they aren’t specifically geared to a certain profession. That’s why we’re starting one just for the real estate industry.”

Jamie Rix, the advocacy coordinator of the Iowa Association of REALTORS® in Clive, came up with the idea that it’s important to share something of value and substance, along with good networking opportunities. “We decided not to limit the group to, say, under age 40. Some of our people are young, of course. But others who are older perhaps have become Realtors as a second career, so they come in at an older age. Learning is important for everyone.”

“We have an advisory panel of 10 people, and we will have quarterly meetings, with each one having a different focus,” says Steward, YPN chairman. For the group’s first event on Wednesday, March 7, the idea is all about adding value and information, along with networking. The program, Finding Self in Real Estate, will focus on finding your niche in the business. A group of experienced brokers will share their expertise. The panel will include Marinela Plucic, Colin Panzi, Bob Eisenlauer, Scott Wendl, and Cui Dong.

“We are the biggest real estate board in the state, so we want to set a good example,” Rix says. “We have found that the drop-off rate in the real estate field is three to five years. So, hopefully, this will help to create a good resource for those in the field to learn from others who have been in business for a long time.” She says sharing wisdom is a good incentive for newer Realtors.

Steward hopes that every gathering will be different. The March event focuses on adding value and information. Those attending will receive one free hour of CE credit. They must be present for the whole hour to receive credit.

The summer event will be a competitive program, more just for fun, he says.

The group sees these benefits to memberships in YPN:

  • YPN events are a fun way for members to meet other real estate professionals from around the country, build a referral network, and learn about new and free resources from the National Association of Realtors®.
  • Through a blog, a website, and networking events, members stay in the loop on prime issues facing the real estate industry. YPN also has special educational sessions at conferences that address strategies for success in real estate.
  • Young or young-at-heart professionals have challenges in real estate, and they face challenges shared by others in the field. By belonging to a network of peers facing similar issues, they can bounce ideas off one another and provide support to each other.
  • Many who are new to the industry want to get involved with their local, state, or national association, but they don’t know how or find it intimidating. YPN can help with those transitions.

“We are so excited for this program to begin,” says Cindy Pelz, executive officer of the Des Moines Area Association of REALTORS®. “It will be such a good program for everyone in the industry.”

Steward agrees. “It’s a win-win for everyone involved. We all will learn from it.”

First YPN Event

Finding Yourself in Real Estate Wednesday, March 7 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. The Hall 111 South 11th Street Suite 200 West Des Moines Facebook: DMAAR YPN (Des Moines Area Association of REALTORS®) FREE event, FREE drinks, raffles, food trucks, and networking. Must register online to attend. Register Online!